Digital age: What is online networking

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We live in an ever-evolving digital age, and connecting remotely with people worldwide has never been easier. With the widespread use of social media and other online networking platforms, we can interact with others with the click of a mouse, build relationships, and access online networking and other resources from almost anywhere. No wonder nearly 5 billion people worldwide use social media for business interests and personal interactions.

However, the virtual networking environment is not just limited to job seekers and cat lovers. Many professional associations and business groups use online networking platforms such as Zoom, Microsoft Teams, and Google Meet to connect with their members and provide opportunities and referrals for professional development.

With countless social sites and digital professional networks, knowing where to start can be confusing. So how do you succeed and navigate the busy world of remote networks? Read on to find out precisely what online networking is, why it benefits your career, and best practices for using it efficiently and proactively.

What is online networking?

The premise of online social platforms in business is that they allow you to connect with other professionals, share information, join groups, and collaborate on projects. These platforms can include social networking sites like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and YouTube, professional networking sites, discussion forums like Reddit, and online communities like Meetup and Eventbrite.

Online networks also provide valuable opportunities to showcase your skills, experience, and knowledge through your profile, resume, posts, and other content. Remember that some platforms are better suited to digital professional networking than others, so you’ll need to research to find the ones that best suit your needs and goals. Remember, the ultimate goal of online networking is to forge connections that can help you further your professional development through online networking.

The advantages of networking online

Networking professionally from the comfort of your home or office has many advantages, even if you are very friendly and enjoy meeting people face to face. And while in-person networking has benefits, connecting virtually with others has become an essential tool in our globalized world.

Whether you just graduated, are looking for a new job, or want to gain additional knowledge and skills in your current career, here are some of the benefits of digital professional networking.


Regardless of your geographic location, you can go online anywhere you have an Internet connection. This is a great advantage. No travel time is involved; you show up from wherever you are. Also, most networking platforms are easy to use and accessible even if you are not a techie. They typically offer simple, intuitive interfaces with step-by-step instructions for setting up profiles and making connections.


Another critical factor that has contributed to the popularity of digital professional networks is the low barrier to entry that they offer. Traditional networking events can be expensive and slow; not everyone can access them. Even if an in-person event is free, you’ll still have to incur the costs of getting there and back, and you may have to shell out money for food and drinks. On the other hand, online networking is often free to use or have low subscription fees.

Greater connectivity

With the rise of online businesses and social media platforms, you can build and expand your online network beyond your local community or geographic borders. You will also be able to connect with many people relatively quickly. This can lead to increased visibility which, in turn, translates to more opportunities for collaboration, job prospects, interviews, and professional development.

When you use these platforms effectively and meaningfully, you can make proactive connections willing to use your networks or resources to help you. Plus, when you approach networking with an appreciative, engaged, and authentic attitude, you’ll eventually see invaluable rewards for your invested time. You will see the advantages of online networking.

4. Access to Information

Digital professional networking can be a valuable learning tool, allowing you to gain insights from others in your field. Following thought leaders and influencers, participating in discussions, and staying current on industry trends and new technologies can improve your skills and experience to be more competitive in the job market. Through online networking, you can connect with mentors and collaborators who can offer guidance, advice, and support as you progress in your career.

Are there any drawbacks to digital professional networks?

While virtual networking platforms offer many benefits, there are also potential drawbacks. However, you can mitigate many of these issues through careful use and attention to best practices. Here are the most common challenges you may face online:

  • Lack of personal interaction:  Virtual professional networks often lack the personal touch of in-person networking, making building trust and strong relationships with others potentially more difficult. Communicating through email, social media, and other digital platforms can feel impersonal and may not allow you the same level of connection as face-to-face interactions.
  • Communication Breakdown:  Online communication requires different skills than in-person communication. Tone, body language, and other nonverbal cues can be difficult to convey through digital communication. Some people may find it challenging to communicate effectively online, leading to misunderstandings and misinterpretations.
  • Difficulty Standing Out:  With so many people online, it can be challenging to stand out and make a good impression. In a crowded online environment where everyone competes for attention, it can be easy to get lost in the noise if you don’t have a plan.
  • Security and Privacy Concerns:  Online networking platforms and digital professional networks can present potential security and privacy risks, particularly when sharing sensitive information. Therefore, you should be careful what you share online and who you connect with to avoid falling victim to scams or identity theft.
  • Time-consuming –  It may take a while before you start to see results from online networking. With so many online networking platforms and networks, managing them all can be challenging. So prioritize your networking efforts and be strategic about where to invest your time and energy.

Tips for a successful online networking network

You are likely excited to dive in and set up your online profiles. However, you must first understand the big picture and take the time to define your goals clearly. Here are some valuable tips to help you navigate the online world of digital professional networking:

  1. Define your goals:  do you want to find a new job or expand your business network to attract new clients? Identifying your goals will help you focus your efforts and maximize your online time.
  2. Be strategic:   Consider the online networking platforms most relevant to your goals, industry, and target audience, and focus your efforts on them.
  3. Build your online presence:  Your online presence is an integral part of your brand. Make sure your profiles on social media and digital professional networking sites are current and accurately reflect your skills and experience.
  4. Interact with others:  One of the benefits of networking online is the ability to connect with people from all over the world. Interact regularly with others by participating in online communities and groups.
  5. Offer Value:  Share valuable content, insights, and tips that your target audience will find interesting and informative. This will help establish you as an expert in your field and make it more likely that people will want to network with you online.
  6. Follow Up:  Follow up with a personalized message after you connect with someone online. This will help establish a stronger connection and keep the conversation going.
  7. Stay Positive:  Finally, staying positive in your digital professional networking efforts is critical. Building relationships takes time; not all connections will lead to immediate results. Keeping in touch can strengthen your relationships and build your online network. Stay committed and focused on your goals, and the results will come.
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